Thursday, February 20, 2014


Wisconsin Public Service
 WPS came to our school 2/17/14 to talk to us about electric safety. During the presentation they talked about conductors and insulators. Conductors are things that electricity can travel through like copper, aluminum, brass, and people. Insulators are something that electricity can’t travel through like rubber, glass, and plastic.

WPS also talked about the little flags that stick out of the ground. Each flag means something.
Red= Electricity
Yellow= Gas
Blue= Water
Green= Sewer
Orange= Cable
Do not pull out these flags. You can save someone’s life by leaving them in the ground.

We learned about lightning storms. When in a lightning, storm try to unplug as many devices or electronics as possible. If you do so your devices won’t get wrecked if your house is struck with lightning.

They talked about if your car crashed into an electric pole. Stay put in your car unless it starts
on fire. If the car starts on fire open the door and jump with your hands crossed and your feet together and shuffle your feet when you hit the ground at least fifteen feet away. The WPS as three calls a week in the Green bay area. The main reason for these crashes are texting while driving!!!!!!!!

This Blog post was written by: Austin, Colton, Cole, and Andrew.

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