Today we had a great field trip to the Ledge View Nature Center at Chilton with our 5th graders. Through this adventure we discovered how caves are formed, and in what type of rock most caves are found. We were able to “unearth” information about sink holes, carbonic acid, lifelines, stalactites, stalagmites, and a little about bats and spiders as well. Most of our learning took place in the caves, where we were able to explore various caverns and crawl through the passages that connected them. This presented the students with a fun learning environment filled with great information, good physical challenges, and plenty of mud to keep things real interesting.
Our 5th grade students represented our school and community very well during this field trip by showing great responsibility and respect! We can all be proud of them!
We want to especially thank our parents who volunteered to chaperone this trip and made the day even more enjoyable!
It was great to see Matthew come back all dirty and excited about what he learned about caves. Great hands-on learning experience! Thanks for the pictures.