Friday, September 6, 2013

Moving Making and Job Applications

Thursday was another busy day!  We spent time working on producing short videos that model the Ranger Way expectations for playground behaviors.  The videos will be part of a school wide 'movie' featuring all of the elementary classes!  The groups had to work together to share ideas and find ways to include everyone.  It wasn't always easy, but the groups are working on their collaboration skills and improving each time they meet.
We also spent some time thinking about classroom jobs for the school year.  We have asked the students to put together an application for a job(s) they are interested in having for the quarter.  Not all students are required to have a job as it can be a hard enough time just being a student!  We are hoping the students who apply think about what job would be best suited to them based on their qualities and interests.  Jobs will be assigned for one quarter of the year and then students will have to reapply for a job.  This will give students who did not have a job the first quarter an opportunity to apply, if they choose to do so.  We want students to have the opportunity to show case their responsibility within our classroom!

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