Thursday, May 22, 2014

Outdoor Learning

While our 4th graders were having a great time learning during their field trip today, our other students enjoyed a variety of learning experiences on the school playground.  Some found a relaxing place to conduct research for a project or work on a writing assignment.  Others explored some mathematics concects at the sandbox. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Today our classroom had a very special visitor, PFC Tyler Parr, USMC.  PFC Parr was a 2013 graduate of Wausaukee High School and is home on leave after completing Marine Corps boot camp.  He shared with us some of his boot camp experiences, as well as why he chose to join the Marine Corps.  Perhaps the best thing he shared with the class was that if students want to perpare themselves for joining the military someday they should listen to their teachers because teachers try to help students do good things. 

Our students presented PFC Parr with some thank you letters they had prepared, as well as a poster they made thanking him for his service.  We are very grateful to PFC Parr for his service to our country and taking the time to visit our classroom! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Students continue to do a great job reading and reflecting on their reading.  We have many voracious readers who read from books and our on-line libraries to improve their fluency and stamina.  Students are also working hard at making inferences, comparing and contrasting, and checking their comprehension. 



Recently our students took part in a project to honor area veterans.  The project included research and learning about veterans, Veterans Day, and a variety of patriotic American symbols and monuments.  Students then made posters that included many of the patriotic symbols that they researched to honor and thank area veterans.  Nearly a dozen Wausaukee businesses displayed these posters for Veteran’s Day.  In particular we want to thank the following businesses for partnering with our students for this project:  Hoover's, Bank North, Sal's Foods, Wausaukee Bowl, State Bank of Florence, Wausaukee Medical Center, Subway, Family Dollar, Wausaukee Lumber Co., and Ranger Family Restaurant. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Today we saw many creative costumes for our Halloween party and parade. The students had a great time this afternoon showcasing these costumes and participating in a number of games and other activities. We also got into the "Halloween spirit" this morning by using a number of Halloween costumes to think about character traits.

We want to thank all of our parents and other family members who made this day extra special by providing treats/snacks for our party, along with everyone who came to the parade today at school. 

Happy Halloween

Friday, October 25, 2013

Engineering Project

This week students were engaged in a science lesson to learn about Engineering and Design.  As part of this lesson students learned the six parts of the Engineering Design Process:  Identify the Problem, Explore, Design, Create, Try it Out, and Make it Better.  Students explored this process through a hands on activity in which they researched and designed a tall structure with spaghetti and marshmallows.  Students were challenged to come up with the tallest structure possible that could stand on its own and withstand an earthquake.  Students also reflected on how they could make their design better in the future.  Teamwork was a very strong emphasis of this activity - listening, communicating, participating, and working together.  The students did a great job with all aspects of this lesson.  Student structures are shown in the photos below.