Monday, August 26, 2013

The LAB Rules

Some of you may be wondering why we are using the name The LAB and some of you may already know.  We didn't want to always be saying 'The 4/5/6 Multiage Classroom' as it is kind of a mouthful and doesn't necessarily sound great or explain anything about our room.  So we were on a search for a simple 'name' for our classroom but wanted something meaningful.  We came up with some neat acronyms but realized they were too lengthy and 'technical' sounding.  We finally came up with The LAB because we will be learning through a lot of project based activities that take place in a lab and it fits perfectly with what we will be doing: Learning a wide variety of material, achieving many goals, and believing in ourselves and our classmates.  So this is what it stands for - Learning! Achieving! Believing!
   We found that The LAB was too common for many of the web based sites we were using, we needed to add something else in order to get a website and blog and such.  So we put together the first half of our last names and can you comes out as Rules!  We like to think that our LAB does rule, but that was not necessarily the real meaning behind that addition! :-)